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There is a suitable tree for everyone’s garden. Obviously if your garden is small then a large and majestic English Oak is not for you, but there is nothing to stop you putting a weeping cherry or a willow in a large container. Provided that these are kept well-watered, they will be perfectly happy. We grow a good selection of trees from flowering ornamental types to the British natives and of course the beautiful Acers.


Often considered to be the foundation plants of the garden, shrubs are a large and diverse range of plants. We grow a large range of popular and easy to grow shrubs. By visiting us you can be confident of finding the perfect shrub for your garden


One of the largest and most popular categories of plants, perennials give a picture of the traditional English cottage garden.  We pride ourselves on the large collection of home grown plants we have, and each year introduce new varieties to tempt you to find room for just one more!!


Roses come in many shapes and forms and we try to grow most of them. Hybrid T’s and Floribundas, Climbers and Ramblers, Patio and Standards, we grow them all. 


What would a garden be without a little height?  That is where this range of plants come into their own. Climbing plants will grow up almost anything provided they are given some support.  They fall into two distinct categories. Self-clinging e.g. Parthenocissus (Virginia Creeper) and ones that need a little support e.g. Clematis, Honeysuckle, and Ceanothus.  Climbing plants will also grow well in a container with maybe an obelisk or a tripod of canes.

Bedding Plants

Providing colour from late spring to the first frosts, our summer bedding plants are perfect for flower beds, patio pots and hanging baskets. We always stock a wonderful range of varieties to give you the widest choice of colour and styles so you can create your perfect summer display.  Whether you’re after dainty Diascia, big bold Petunias, trailing Verbena or Nasturtiums, you’ll find just what you need.

Even better, all the bedding plants we sell are grown by us – over 50,000 basket plants and 50,000 bedding plants each year, so you can expect quality and a long season of flowering.  We love growing Geraniums and pride ourselves in the quality of the Geraniums that we grow, along with Fuchsias, Lobelia, Antirrhinum and many more varieties to give your spring and summer garden an abundance of floral colour.
Our range includes pack bedding a cost effective option for bigger scale projects in the garden when you need a quantity of the same plant.  Alternatively you can take your pick from our larger, individual plants to create your own design in your flower beds, patio pots or hanging baskets.

Bedding plants don’t have to end with the summer, as autumn offers another opportunity for you to create a welcoming display to cheer up your garden even in the dullest of winters.  Each year from late summer, you will find autumn bedding grown by us.  Amongst our autumn favourites are Mini Cyclamen, vibrant Pansies and pretty Violas, which look striking when planted up with Ivy, Mini Conifers and Herbs such as Thyme, Sage and Curry plant.



Ferns, like Bamboos and Grasses are part of the huge rise in popularity of architectural plants, making a bold statement in the garden. We stock a good selection of these elegant and graceful plants.


Conifers are a wide and diverse range of plants. They cover a wide range of colours, shapes, sizes and textures. With the majority being evergreen, they can become the focal feature of any garden.


A wide selection of plants can be used to create a hedge or screen.  Hedges may be used as a border to your property, to divide the garden or as a screen to hide something from view. Whatever the reason, there is plenty of choice. You can choose from Beech, Privet, Thuja, Box or Leylandii for more formal clipped hedges.  All these make great hedges, which also help to filter noise and create a haven for wildlife. For a little less formal you can choose from Viburnum, Escallonia or Photinia Red Robin.


We do have access to specialist growers of hedging so if you want instant hedging we can get large specimen plants.  Hopefully this has given you a few ideas but there are many more, should you require further help just ask.


Kitchen Garden

There is little better in the gardening world than having your own grown produce. We grow a comprehensive range of the most popular herbs as well as some more unusual ones. We also have a great variety of fruit trees, Apples, Pears, Plum, Cherries and Crab apple, and of course the soft fruit varieties such as Raspberries, Strawberries and the many currants.  All our fruit trees and soft fruit have been carefully selected from varieties that perform well in the north of England.


These are generally low growing plants that prefer very well drained conditions. Using them in a rockery will elevate the plants, bringing them closer to the eye, but among them are alpines that are a little more bold and punchy in their look and we can allow them to develop into plants with real impact and which can be a focal point amongst their smaller neighbours.

Opening Times


Mar – Oct                                              
Mon – Sat 9am – 5pm                        
Sunday 10am – 4pm                           

Nov – Feb
Mon – Sun 10am –4pm

Tel. 01282 844 555



Gledstone Gardens, West Marton, Skipton BD23 3JL


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